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Advanced Training for Child Rights Defenders: Monitoring state mechanisms

Advanced Training for Child Rights Defenders: Monitoring state mechanisms

Advanced Training for Child Rights Defenders: Monitoring state mechanisms

Institute of Human Rights Advocacy and Research conducted a one day “Advanced Training for Child Rights Defenders: Monitoring State Mechanisms” on 2 March 2017 at Chennai54 participants from 10 districts & 2 states participated and gained through advance training.

The participants were trained in Child Rights and SDGs, Child & environment, Mapping institutions / state mechanisms for child rights; Tools and Techniques for monitoring the rights of children at 1. Village level, 2. District level, 3.State level, Child rights: A review of the situation in Tamil Nadu, Special focus on 1.Child Marriage Act, 2.POCSO Act, JJ, SCPCR & District Enforcement Agencies, Monitoring the Rights of children with disabilities, (RPWD-2016) gender minorities, Children of Single parent, Advanced techniques on using Right to Information Act for Child Rights, Child friendly villages: international standards and indicators.

In the final session certificates were distributed to the participants by Mr. Job Zachariah, Chief, UNICEF office for Tamil Nadu and Kerala at UNICEF. The participants expressed their views in the feedback form provided and confirmed they would implement the mechanisms in their area through this training.