Gender Justice

Human rights are importantly collective rights of communities and peoples to the right to continuing sustainable development, eco-systems, livelihoods and the struggles against concentration of wealth and power and patricarchy.  It is the voice of the oppressed and exploited, of indigenous peoples, fishing communities, women, dalits, children, workers, artisans and peasants; it is the voices from below from a resurgent civil society for sustainable livelihood and eco-systems, popular governance and equitable development.  The struggles against corporate exploitation, patriarchy, destruction of forests and child labour; for living wages, custodial justice, land and housing, protection of bio-diversity; against untouchability and caste oppression, for gender justice, protection and regeneration of the commons and waterbodies, against destructive mega projects and industrial pollution etc., are all part of this human rights movement.

Gender violence is perpetuated by cultural beliefs and norms based on the devaluation of women; and legitimized, obscured or denied by familial and social institutions  in fact gender violence is a historical, universal problem. It is often experienced in the context of additional oppressions based on race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, type of labor performed, level of education, class position, disability, and/or immigration or refugee status.

Violence against women and girls occurs across the lifecourse. It employs a constellation of physical, sexual, economic, and emotional abuses that establish a climate of fear and result in severe physical and psychological injuries. It is the most extreme expression of sexism and misogyny; accompanied by gendered harms that leave women and girls bearing the socio-cultural burdens of shame, humiliation, and victim-blaming. The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms that it is not an unfortunate aberration but systematically entrenched in culture and society, reinforced and powered by patriarchy. Violence against women maintains the structures of gender oppression; be it carried out by individuals in private and/or by institutional forces in the public sphere. Families, communities, and social, legal and civic institutions may covertly and overtly endorse it.

Patriarchy is about the social relations of power between men and women, women and women. It is a system for maintaining class, gender, racial, and heterosexual privilege and the status quo of power – relying both on crude forms of oppression, like violence; and subtle ones, like laws; to perpetuate inequality. Patriarchal beliefs of male, heterosexual dominance lie at the root of gender-based violence. Patriarchy is a structural force that influences power relations, whether they are abusive or not.

Feminist social transformation requires that we also address political, economic, ecological and cultural injustices – otherwise the gains that women’s rights have made are always under threat, and progress for women’s rights remain uneven and unbalanced, particularly for the most disadvantaged women at the margins of capitalism.

Resources (Downloads)

Gender Media
Advanced Training on Women’s Rights

Advanced Training on Women’s Rights

27 March 2017

Institute of Human Rights Advocacy and Research conducted a one day “Advanced Training for Women’s...

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Advanced Training on Women Rights

Advanced Training on Women’s Rights (Manual)

16 March 2017

Advance training on Women’s Rights Manual   Click here to download the full article

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Status of women with reference to gender based violence in Tamil Nadu

Status of women with reference to gender based violence in Tamil Nadu

16 August 2016

Fact sheet: Status of women with reference to gender based violence in Tamil Nadu Introduction...

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Widows dogged by pension woes

Widows dogged by pension woes

11 August 2016

Widows dogged by pension woes Complex procedures increase the ordeals of widows who are unable...

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Fact Finding

AllGender FF

SDGs and women in Tamil Nadu a Score Card (2018)

20 July 2018

SDG & Women Introduction The context SDG 5: A status snapshot SDG 5 monitoring implementation...

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Status of women with reference to gender based violence in Tamil Nadu

Status of women with reference to gender based violence in Tamil Nadu

16 August 2016

Fact sheet: Status of women with reference to gender based violence in Tamil Nadu Introduction...

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Fact finding: Abduction, rape and murder of a young girl at Pichampatti

21 December 2014

Background of the case: From 25th & 26th June 2014 newspaper reports we came to...

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Fact Finding: Rape of a minor girl

21 December 2014

On the 9th  of July 2012 at midnight, K. Latha (name changed) an unidentified man...

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Gender Events
Measure What you Treasure

Measure what you Treasure – 10 Roundtables on representation and inclusion of women in leadership – 2021

24 April 2021

Measure what you Treasure! 10 Roundtables on representation and inclusion of women in leadership –...

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16 Days of Activism

16 Days of Activism – Campaign Against Gender Based Violence – 2020

10 December 2020

25 November 2020 – 10 December 2020: We have conducted a campaign – 16 Days...

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Balance for Better: A Stocktaking by Women’s Networks in Tamil Nadu

Balance for Better: A Stocktaking by Women’s Networks in Tamil Nadu

12 March 2019

A one-day meeting on the theme Balance for Better was held in ICSA, Chennai on...

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Addressing Sexual harassment in Public Spaces

Addressing sexual harassment in public spaces

9 January 2019

  Context Adolescent girls in the rural areas face normalised sexual harassment. It has multiple...

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Gender Campaigns
16 Days of Activism

16 Days of Activism – Campaign Against Gender Based Violence – 2020

10 December 2020

25 November 2020 – 10 December 2020: We have conducted a campaign – 16 Days...

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Tamil Nadu Federation of Women Presidents of Panchayat Government - State Committee Meeting

TNFWPPG State Committee Meeting

5 March 2017

Tamil Nadu Federation of Women Presidents of Panchayat Government   State Committee Meeting of Tamil Nadu...

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Tamil Nadu Federation of Women Presidents of Panchayat Government

Tamil Nadu Federation of Women Presidents of Panchayat Government

21 December 2014

The Tamil Nadu Federation of Women Presidents of Panchayat Government was formed in the first...

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Recent Posts


Single Women Annual Convention

8 March 2023

Celebrating Solidarity and Strength The First State Annual Convention of Single Women’s...

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Tamil Nadu Single Women’s Manifesto (March 2023)

8 March 2023

Celebrating Solidarity and Strength   WE, the delegates at the Tamil Nadu...

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தனித்து வாழும் பெண்களுக்கான கொள்கை அறிக்கை

8 March 2023

ஒற்றுமையையும் வலிமையையும் கொண்டாடுதல்   தனித்து வாழும் பெண்களுக்கான முதல் மாநில மாநாடு, 2023 மார்ச்...

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Challenges facing single women – Puducherry

24 February 2023

Puducherry, 24 February 2023: Consultation. 52 participants (31 women, 21 men) from...

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