Fact finding: Abduction, rape and murder of a young girl at Pichampatti

Background of the case:


From 25th & 26th June 2014 newspaper reports we came to know that Vagitha (name changed) aged 17, D/o Ponusamy who worked in  V.K.A. Polymer Pvt Ltd was abducted, raped and brutally murdered. Hence a fact finding team was constituted by Tamil Nadu Child Rights  Protection Network and they conducted their fact finding on 27th & 28th of June, 2014.


Vinetha belong to Hindu Pallar community. She passed 12th standard and got admission in Vetri Vinayaga Polytecnic. To reduce her parents’ burden Vinetha decided to work and earn money during her holidays and went to work in V.K.A. Polymer  Pvt Ltd at Karur. From her village she use to go upto Krishnarayapuram by bicycle and from there she will board the bus and go to karur for work. In the evening she will come to krishnarapuram by bus around 6:45 pm and from there she will take her bicycle and go home by 7:15pm. On 23rd June, 2014 Vinetha went to work as usual and people has seen her getting down from the bus at Krishnarayapuram and taking her bicycle.


Both sides of the road from Pitchampatti to Krishnarayapuram are of agriculture land and it will be pitch dark after sunset. Due to temple festival there was a procession from Krishnarayapuram to Pitchampatti. Vadivelu of Muthuraja caste was teasing the girls during temple procession. On 23rd June 2014 Vinetha left Krishnarayapuram around 6:45pm with her bicycle but didn’t reach home till 10pm. Her dead body was found half naked inside Muniyappan’s agricultural land. There is a tasmac wineshop on the way to Pitchampatti from Krishnarayapuram. It is very common to see people sitting and drinking in the agricultural fields during night time and sometimes they also create ruckus after drinking. Since Vinetha belong to Schedule caste community the SC Community people doubt and accuse that Muthuraja caste people might have committed this brutality. Because of this communal tension griped and a huge police force was stationed in the village to bring normalcy. On suspicion three minor girls were taken to the police station during night time for interrogation which is against the ruling of the Supreme Court. Policemen in uniform cannot interrogate the minors. But in this case three minor girls were interrogated in police station, that too in night time by policemen in Uniform. This is clear violation of laws by the police. Under the amended provision of Prevention of Atrocities Act Vinetha’s family was given a compensation of Rs. 1,86,500/- by the District Collector. Till date Police could not find the culprit.


The accused in the minor rape case should not be given bail and he must be barred from entering places where there are Children. Charge sheet must be framed within short period in the minor rape cases. Authorities who fail to do so must be punished. Since the police has not zeroed in and arrest the accused in this case this case must be transferred to CBI. Since the Probationary officer plays the additional role of District Child Welfare officer they were not able to perform their duties properly. Mostly women must be appointed as Child Welfare Officers. The three minor girls interrogated by police under suspicion must be treated as Children since they were only 17 years old.


For full report contact HRF