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Follow-up Audit Workshop

Follow-up Audit Workshop

Follow-up meeting on Training programme for Human Rights Defenders on various Human Rights Perspectives held on 22nd & 23rd January 2016, Chennai

Human Rights Institute conducted a follow-up meeting for Human Rights Defenders who participated in “Follow-up meeting on Training programme for Human Rights Defenders on various Human Rights Perspectives held on 22nd & 23rd January 2016, Chennai”. 25 Human Rights Defenders who were trained last year by HRF took part in this follow-up workshop and shared how the training helped them when they went to the field, used the knowledge gained from the training. Updates on latest judgements related to human rights issues, criminal proceedings, developments and successful techniques followed during interventions were also discussed.

Follow-up Audit Workshop

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Follow-up Audit Workshop

6th January 2017, Chennai

To assess the impact, utility and to fine tune the content and methodology of the Human Rights Defenders’ training, HRF conducts a follow-up audit workshop. Participants who have attended the introductory workshop in the preceding year are invited to attend.

In 2017 the audit workshop is for the class of 2016 and it will be held on Friday 6th January 2017 at Chennai.

If you have attended the HRDs course and have not yet received the invitation to attend, please contact S Vijayashankar at for the details.

The audit workshop is conducted by Campaign for Custodial Justice & Abolition of Torture in collaboration with Society for Integrated Rural Development (SIRD), Madurai, Social Awareness Society for Youths (SASY) & Human Rights Advocacy and Research Foundation (HRF).