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Poverty challenges in rural assam

End Poverty by 2030 – Challenges in Rural Assam

End Poverty by 2030 – Challenges in Rural Assam

Assam is one of the underdeveloped provinces in India. Assam 2030 Our Dream, Our Commitment, the Strategic and Architecture document of the Government of Assam on SDG, noted that poverty head count ratio in the state stands at 27.3%1. In 2016, the Government plans to eradicate poverty in Assam by 2030. After 4 years, in the backdrop of Covid 19 pandemic, the “Report on Economy o Assam”, commissioned by State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA) in collaboration with Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, states, “As a consequence of Covid- 19, it is estimated that 67 lakh people’s livelihood will face vulnerabilities of myriad kind.” The report adds, “due to the condition created by Covid-19 – depending on the overall condition and degree of economic contraction, it is estimated that unemployment in the state will further increase by 15.7 to 27.1 lakh. As a result, the unemployment rate in the state will increase up to the range of 16 to 27% from the present level of 8 percent. Consequently, it is found that the poverty rate may go up to about 50% in the state….

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