Women's Rights Training

Despite being ahead of the national average in several indicators, Tamil Nadu could do better when it comes to empowerment of women and women’s rights – more so when they belong to socially excluded communities such as Dalits and Adivasis, or  vulnerable sections such as people with disabilities (PWDs).

HRF sees women’s rights (and child rights) as the pillars on which development rests.

HRF conducts these courses twice a year (and more on request).

Basic Training

The course covers an introduction to:

  • Social analysis (Caste, class, and gender)
  • Gender equity audit
  • Gender budgeting
  • Gender and the SDGs – beyond SDG 5
  • Special social welfare provisions for women
  • Constitutional provisions against discrimination and for affirmative action, equality, and justice
  • Laws and state mechanisms for the protection of women and redress (PWDVA, PNDT, etc.)
  • International standards, treaties, and reporting mechanisms
  • Leadership skills

Since its inception, HRF has trained over 3000 women’s human rights defenders.

Duration:  Two days 

Participants: Anyone with a passion for social justice.


Advanced Training

Advanced Training on Women’s Rights: Monitoring the Implementation of PWDV Act and State Mechanisms.  

This is an advanced training of trainers (ToT) course that will be useful for middle to senior-level women’s rights defenders with some experience.

The medium of instruction, and course material, will be Tamil.

The intensive workshop will cover:

  • Gender Justice and SDGs: Indicators, integration, and implementation (monitoring and mobilization)
  • Mapping institutions/state mechanisms for PWDVA: Tools and Techniques for monitoring the rights of Women at different levels (district, state)
  • Women rights in Tamil Nadu: What works and what doesn’t. The laws (with special focus on PWDVA, Dowry Prohibition Act, POCSO Act), Enforcement Agencies, and Human Rights Institutions (TNSCW).
  • DV: Special needs of single women.
  • Strategies for more effective protection of women and prevention of domestic violence.

Certificates of participation will be awarded.

Statutory warning: These courses are rather intensive, so be prepared for some concentrated work.

The registration fee is Rs.2000. It covers training material, lunch, accommodation and refreshments during the programme. A few scholarships are available. Please contact  training@hrf.net.in for details.

Deadline: Two weeks before the course starts

Duration:  Three to five days 

Please contact by email at training@hrf.net.in