06: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
06: Annual Strategic Multi-Actor Round Table (SMART): Review the implementation of the SCs and the STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 for the calendar year 2023
17: HRF Founders Day
19: National review: POA S21(4) report
19: Special study circle: Strengthening Local Government: 
20: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
26: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
27: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

Saturdays (13, 27):
1000: Programme support: POA implementation

03: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
15: Monitoring grama sabha
16: National review: POA S21(4) report
17: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
23: Special study circle: Strengthening Local Government: 
30: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
31: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

Saturdays (10, 24, 31):
1000: Programme support: POA implementation

07: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
13: National review: POA S21(4) report
14: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
20: Special study circle: Strengthening Local Government:
27: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
28: CVMC quarterly online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA)
28: Lawyers’ forum meeting
28: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

Saturdays (07, 14):1000:
Programme support: POA implementation

02: Monitoring grama sabha
05: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
12: National Roundtable and release of Citizens POA S21(4) Report
18: National review: POA S21(4) report
18: Special study circle: Strengthening Local Government: 
19: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
25: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
26: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

Saturdays (19, 26):
1000: Programme support: POA implementation

01: Small Scale Fishworkers Consolidation

02: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
15: National review: POA S21(4) report
16: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
22: Special study circle: Strengthening Local Government:
29: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
24-27: POA Training, West Bengal
25-30: VAWG 16 days campaign
30: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

Saturdays (11, 18, 25):
1000: Programme support: POA implementation

01-10: VAWG 16 days campaign
02: CVMC quarterly online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA)
13: National review: POA S21(4) report
14: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
16: Survivors forums
20: Special study circle: Strengthening Local Government: Guidelines for effective participation in Grama Sabha meeting on 26 January 2025
27: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
28: Lawyers’ forum meeting

28: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

Saturdays (07, 14, 21):
1000: Programme support: POA implementation

Programmes 2025


10: Annual CEO review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
11: Solidarity forum: Annual state level solidarity forum
19: National Workshop: State data collection to prepare the national report (POA S21(4))
20: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
25: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities
26: Monitoring grama sabha [Sunday]
31: Monthly Study Circle: [Last Friday]

1600: Strengthening Local Government: Weekly programme support meeting

1100: Programme support: POA implementation


Regional Training [5]: Human Rights Defenders
Regional Consultation [5]: Status of small scale fisher women
Regional Consultation [5]: Status of single women
01: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
15: National review: POA S21(4) report
20: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
22: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities
28: Monthly Study Circle: [Last Friday]

1600: Strengthening Local Government: Weekly programme support meeting

1100: Programme support: POA implementation


Regional Training [3]: Human Rights Defenders
Regional Consultation [3]: Status of small scale fisher women
Regional Consultation [3]: Status of single women
11: State consultation: State protection mechanisms for women and children
14: National review: POA S21(4) report
20: State level review: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
21,22: National consultation: Collaboration, coordination, networking and consolidation: High Quality Human Rights Knowledge Institutions
28: Monthly study circle
29: Lawyers’ forum meeting
29: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children, and the scheduled communities

1600: Strengthening Local Government: Weekly programme support meeting

1100: Programme support: POA implementation



05: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu

18: National review: POA S21(4) report
20: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
25: Monthly study circle
26: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

1600: Strengthening Local Government: Weekly programme support meeting

1100: Programme support: POA implementation


04: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA) in Tamil Nadu
17: National review: POA S21(4) report
20: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
31: Monthly study circle
24 Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

1600: Strengthening Local Government: Weekly programme support meeting

1100: Programme support: POA implementation


02: CVMC quarterly online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (POA)
21:  National review: POA S21(4) report
24: State level meeting: Tamil Nadu Fishers Elected Representatives Assembly (FERA)
27: Monthly study circle: People, entitlements, and local government
28: Lawyers’ forum meeting
28: Survivors’ forum and legal clinic: Woman, children and the scheduled communities

1600: Strengthening Local Government: Weekly programme support meeting

1100: Programme support: POA implementation


In the pipeline (Dates to be decided)

  • Training: Budget analysis and engagement with special reference to budgetary allocations and social security schemes for SECs
  • Training: Monitoring, dialogue, and engagement
  • National convention: Labour and SDGs: The opportunities and the challenges
  • Advanced training: Local government (panchayat raj) (governance and financial skills, inclusive village development planning, child and women friendly villages, beneficiary mapping and need fulfilment, model grama sabha, rights and duties)