Social media for social justice

Human rights defenders have powerful social media tools at their fingertips to connect globally to maximise their impact .

Most already use a variety of them – e-Newsletters, twitter, facebook, linkedIn, whatsApp, egroups – for different purposes. This course it to help you to use them strategically – integrating it into the communication and fundraising strategy, using different channels to multiply the impact of each other, while at the same time cutting down on the time you spend and optimising the outcomes.

This course is to help human rights defenders

  • Understand the basics of social media and its applications
  • Increase visibility for the organisation, cause and issues
  • Choose the best tools and techniques
  • Leverage the free resources available

This course will best benefit those who are passionate about a cause to develop their professional skills and effectiveness.

At the end of this course, participants are expected to be part of a human rights social media network, specifically feminist, gender, Dalit, Adivasi, child rights and environmental justice network. This network will proactively, systematically and regularly engage with the SDG, UPR, CEDAW, CERD and CRC processes.

Introductory course 1 day;
Standard course 3 days.

Solidarity contributions:

I. Introductory course:

Non-Residential – Rs 3,000

Residential         – Rs 3,500

II. Advanced Course:

Non-Residential – Rs 5,000

Residential         – Rs 6,000

III. Standard Course:

Non-Residential – Rs 8,000

Residential         – Rs 9,500


Statutory warning: All HRF courses are extremely fulfilling – but very intensive. Participants must be prepared for focused work, tight deadlines and stress tests.

Please bring your laptop for this training. Opening your own social media accounts beforehand is advised.