Empower Communitites
Monitor the Monitors
Defend the Defenders
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Our Initiatives
Upcoming Programmes
Programmes and training material are in Tamil; (national programmes are multi-lingual)
For periodic updates send a mail to in-tn+subscribe@googlegroups.com
01-10 December: State, district: 16 days against violence against women and girls
04: District level: Quarterly engagement and dialogue
07: CEO forum online review: Implementation of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, POA, in Tamil Nadu
10: State level: Strengthening state human rights mechanisms (SDG 16)
10: Human rights defenders day
15: State level: SWAN livelihoods review
20: State level: Small Scale Women Fishers network meeting (Review of district processes)
21: District level: Training for POA monitoring
26: State level: Social security scheme monitoring and dissemination
27: Zonal level POA training, survivors’ forum, SWAN, fisher women consolidation: Villupuram
28, 29: Zonal level convening: Ariyalur
28: National level: POA national review
30: Zonal level convening: Tiruvarur
31: Zonal level convening: Madurai
Saturdays (14, 21, 28):
1000: Programme support: POA implementation
Focus Areas
Child Rights
All children have age specific rights, in addition to all the other human rights, so that they can live a life of dignity during childhood and beyond. Every person below 18 years of age is a child, and entitled to all these rights.
Gender Justice
Correcting the privileging of the male and the masculine over all other genders is an important historical task for the progress of humanity and the human race. Gender equity - the goal of gender justice - is informed by intersectionality.
Dalit & Tribal Rights
Socially excluded and vulnerable communities need to have a seat at the high table, with voice and agency to determine their priorities in development and in execution, and determine the basic characteristics of the welfare state
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. We track the progress towards all 17 goals for specific socially excluded and vulnerable communities.
Coastal Watch
Various interest groups such as Fishing People’s Organisations, Non-Government Organisations, Environmental and Consumer Groups, Academics, Lawyers and activists felt the need to evolve a broad based forum to protect the rights of the coastal communities and the coast from environmental degradation.
Local Governance
Local self-government is the first and closest government to the communities. Empowered local government institutions, with equitable participation and inclusion of all communities in decision making. In addition to the training, HRF provides support (including litigation) when WPPs are prevented from discharging their duties.
Custodial Justice
Balancing the scales of justice with compassion and healing has been an elusive goal across the ages. It requires a nuanced, multifaceted engagement with an ecosystem that encompasses the constitution, law, judiciary, lawyers, police, correctional institutions, victims, survivors, accused, undertrials, convicts, families and communities.
Human Rights
HRF conducts a range of human rights courses – from the introductory to advanced, from specialised/thematic focused to comprehensive integrated courses, covering the history, the theory, tools, and practical tips and workarounds in the field. Customised courses are conducted for academic institutions, government agencies and other civil society organisations on request.
Systems Monitoring
Securing the progress of the coastal communities, the health of the coastal ecosystem and equity in the blue economy is essential for the safety and security of the planet
Budget Analysis
Budget research, analysis and advocacy has gained increasing importance in the pursuit of social justice—whether for socially excluded communities, women or children.