Areas of Intervention

Child Rights

All children have age specific rights, in addition to all the other human rights, so that they can live a life of dignity during childhood and beyond. Every person below 18 years of age is a child, and entitled to all these rights.

Gender Justice

Gender Justice

Correcting the privileging of the male and the masculine over all other genders is an important historical task for the progress of humanity and the human race. Gender equity - the goal of gender justice - is informed by intersectionality.

Dalit and Tribal Rights

Dalit & Tribal Rights

Socially excluded and vulnerable communities need to have a seat at the high table, with voice and agency to determine their priorities in development and in execution, and determine the basic characteristics of the welfare state

Local Governance

Local Government

Local self-government is the first and closest government to the communities. Empowered local government institutions, with equitable participation and inclusion of all communities in decision making.

Sustainable Development Goals


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. We track the progress towards all 17 goals for specific socially excluded and vulnerable communities

Coastal Watch

Coastal Watch

Securing the progress of the coastal communities, the health of the coastal ecosystem and equity in the blue economy is essential for the safety and security of the planet

Custodial Justice

Balancing the scales of justice with compassion and healing has been an elusive goal across the ages. It requires a nuanced, multifaceted engagement with an ecosystem that encompasses the constitution, law, judiciary, lawyers, police, correctional institutions, victims, survivors, accused, undertrials, convicts, families and communities.