Volunteer with HRF

WHY: Nish kama karma – or giving without attachment to the result – has been an Indian tradition and ideal for millennia. It is not just ‘giving back’ but also investing in nation building, investing in the future, and sharing our blessing which results in our own mental health and wellbeing.

HOW: HRF provides opportunity for volunteers make impactful change by helping the needy – primarily single women and girls and persons with disability from remote areas – improve their quality of life. It could be as simple as filling up their application forms to get a house, or pension, or scholarship. MENTOR a child with undiscovered talent.

TIME: Whether it is for a month during your holidays or for one day a week (at a time of your choice) there are opportunities for you.

WHERE: Opportunities are open in all districts of Tamil Nadu. 

RETURNS: How many true friends have you made since college? Volunteering enables you to make friends and establish lifelong relationships.

If you want to but don’t know how to, we have got that covered! There is a monthly orientation for all potential volunteers. 

CONTACT: Do contact ivolunteer@hrf.net.in for details and enrolment.